Hey! I’m Kaisha, a seasoned corporate accountant turned full-time entrepreneur. With over 10 years of experience in public accounting, government tax, and corporate accounting for several Fortune 500 companies, I made a bold decision to embark on this entrepreneurial journey, driven by my passion for improving financial literacy among individuals and businesses.

You know what? I’ve worked in all sorts of accounting environments, and let me tell you, I’ve seen firsthand the importance of empowering people with financial knowledge and skills. That’s why I’m here to demystify those complex financial concepts and give you practical guidance and valuable insights that will take your financial well-being to the next level.

As a Black American woman in business, I’m all about making a positive impact. I’m here to deliver financial literacy in an engaging and easy-to-understand package. Whether you’re looking to optimize your tax strategies, implement efficient accounting systems, or need some straight-up awesome business advisory services, I’ve got your back to help you grow and maximize your financial potential.

So, are you ready to take control of your financial future?  I’m here to be your trusted partner on this journey. Let’s dive in and find out how we can help you improve your financial literacy, make informed decisions, and unlock a world of financial possibilities. So, let’s brew a hot cup of Moolahtte and build a brighter financial future together!