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What Is Your Net Worth?

How many times have you googled Net worth of *insert celebrity name* ?? I know I’ve done this quite a few times. We often hear people mention the term, but do you know how to calculate your net worth? If not, let’s sip some latté and break this thing down…

Quick Accounting 101 Lesson:

Assets are anything owned of use or value that can be converted into cash. Assets include cash, investments, land, building, equipment, etc. On the other side, we have liabilities. A liability is money owed; an obligation against an asset.

Your net worth is basically everything that you own minus everything that you owe. If you sold all your assets and paid off all debts, how much money would you have left over? Consider this your financial report card. It’s a reflection of your financial health. Calculating your net worth should be one of the first steps to achieving your financial goals. You can’t plot a financial goal map if you don’t know where you currently stand. 

How To Calculate Net Worth:

List all assets and the estimated value.

  • Checking and savings account balance
  • Brokerage/Investment accounts
  • Estimated house/vehicle value
  • Jewelry and collectibles

List all debt.

  • Credit card debt
  • Mortgage balance
  • Car loan balance
  • Medical bills owed
  • Student loans

Subtract your total debt from your total assets. You have now calculated your net worth!!!

Net Worth Analysis:

Okay, so you’ve calculated your net worth. If your assets exceed your liabilities, then you have a positive net worth. Now, if your assets do not exceed your liabilities, then you have a negative net worth. If you calculated a negative net worth, don’t worry. A negative net worth is common for young millennials. This is often due to high student loan debt. This means that you have not earned enough money to offset the debt that you currently owe. The goal is to focus on increasing your net worth. In order to increase net worth, you should increase assets and/or decrease liabilities – paying down debt, building equity in your home, purchasing more investments (stocks, bonds), etc.

There is no standard when it comes to net worth expectations. Every individual has different financial needs and based on his/her lifestyle will have different financial goals. A formula that is often used as a benchmark when it comes to determining your “target” net worth is:

Net Worth = (Your age – 25) × (Gross Annual Income ÷ 5)

Regardless of where you currently stand financially, it is very important to know and understand your net worth. Understanding where your money is going will hopefully help you make better financial decisions, especially when deciding between if something is a need versus a want. Whether you are using an excel file or your favorite finance app, tracking your finances is key. If you need a recommendation, head over to Mint. It’s a free tool, that makes tracking your money easy for all levels.


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